
Calibre kindle compatibility
Calibre kindle compatibility

Now it’s time to read your brand new ebook. Having a copy backed up to your Calibre Library will ensure you can always use that ebook the same way you would as if you owned a paper copy. Why? Because the big online distributors sometimes change their policies to make it difficult to access books you previously purchased in good faith, or maybe you wish to share the book within your immediate family (spouse, children, etc). It’s a good idea to ALWAYS backup your non-DRM ebook purchases by saving a copy into your Calibre library, even if you own that type of device. For example, if you want Calibre to open your Kindle Desktop App to synchronize your file, just click. Highlight the title you wish to read, and then click which FORMAT you wish to read if you want to read it on your desktop. Next to the little “Format” where it said “.epub,” you will now see your new file format (i.e. When it is finished converting, the dialogue box will close and bring you back to the Calibre library. At the top of the page click ‘SEND TO DEVICE.’ The correct book cover should appear to your right.

calibre kindle compatibility

Highlight the book in your Calibre library so the words highlight in blue.

calibre kindle compatibility

Now it’s time to send it to your device (make sure it’s plugged into your USB). The file will appear in your Calibre Library. Click into the folder, and then ‘Date Modified’ to make it appear right at the top of the page.

calibre kindle compatibility

Some vendors automatically download your book to their own named folder, so it may be named ‘My Kindle Books’ or ‘Barnes & Noble’ or whatnot. To easily find it, fist click on your DOWNLOADS folder, then click on DATE MODIFIED and it should appear right at the top of the list. Calibre will usually automatically default to search your desktop ‘downloads’ folder first, but if you download from another ebook distributor they often have their own special folders. Finding the book is easy if the file lists the name, but some vendors use their own internal routing number to make it difficult to find it. Now comes the fun part, figuring out where the HECK your computer just stashed that ebook you just downloaded.

Calibre kindle compatibility